Fairy Music: An Anthology
Series 1
"Fairy Music: An Anthology" is a visual and narrative exploration of identity, beauty, and self-discovery within the Black, queer, and youthful experience. This anthology delves into the complexities of embracing and understanding these aspects of oneself through a series of expressive artistic works.
"Pretty Hurts" stands as the first series within this anthology, presenting a personal and emotional journey of a black queer male fairy. This character, an embodiment of my own experiences from America to Berlin, navigates through themes of beauty, identity, and self-perception amidst societal expectations and internal conflicts.
Comprising posters, images, a zine, special edition collector's trading cards, and a curated playlist, each component helps to articulate the emotional spectrum of this journey. From reflective discontent to the tranquility of self-acceptance, the works collectively unveil a story of transformation and introspection.
"Fairy Music: An Anthology - Series 1 - Pretty Hurts" is crafted to resonate with those grappling with identity and self-worth against a backdrop of Afrofuturism and magical realism.
Thank You
The journey of creating "Pretty Hurts" has been one of profound self-discovery and connection. Throughout this process, I've engaged in many conversations that have opened my eyes to the universal struggle with beauty and identity. It seems we are all wrestling, in one way or another, with insecurities that often go unspoken—striving towards often unattainable ideals that lead to cycles of dissatisfaction and isolation. This realization struck a chord within me, deepening my empathy and sparking a journey towards greater self-compassion.
As I questioned "When will Peace happen?" through my art, I found answers not in reaching perfection, but in embracing the imperfections that define us. This series, particularly through the messages encapsulated in the trading cards, serves as a reminder to myself and to all who visit: let go, smile, and forgive. It's a call to find joy, love, grace, and gratitude amidst our trials—a call to recognize that we are already beautiful and free.
Thank you sincerely for taking the time to explore "Pretty Hurts." Your attention and engagement mean the world to me. It is my hope that this collection not only serves as a mirror reflecting our shared struggles but also as a beacon of the beauty and freedom that await us when we choose to embrace who we truly are.